Archive for May, 2010

OEmbed – transforming video links to embeds

Since the video sharing phenomenon began, many web developers struggle with the problem of embeding the videos without knowing anything but the url where the video page is. Many users didn’t know anything about embed code, how to put videos on their blog or other tehnical stuff like that, so developers tried to find ways [...]

10 things you should know when switching from Mysql to PostgreSQL

1) Vacuum frequently
You must do that especially after adding or deleting a large number of rows in a table.
2) || means concatenation in PosgreSql
(as opossed to Mysql where it ment OR)
3) PostgreSQL doesn’t know unsigned.
SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT types doesn’t have an unsigned option, as it is in mysql

4) PostgreSQL is case-sensitive for string comparasions
So if [...]

How to change your site url structure

Most of us had this problem:
We found a link with an interesting title, click on it and all it showed was a “This page cannot be found message”
So why does this happen?
Well, the link most probably was valid some time ago, but site owners decided to change the site arhitecture. So, what was once [...]

Running multiple processes in PHP

Sometimes you need multiple commands to run in parallel to save up script processing time for repetitive tasks.
In the “Building a Video sharing site” project that i will present here soon, I needed a script to run multiple video processing jobs. PHP wasn’t meant to support multitasking, but with a few tricks we can emulate [...]

.htaccess stupid tricks

Nice tutorial about various tricks that you can do in .htaccess.


If you work with PHP, you link with other areas such as Javascript, Ajax, HTML, CSS, Databases, Frameworks, etc..
This site will try to cover and find solutions to problems encountered by web developers. You are welcome to ask questions or ask for help when something is unclear.
That being said – let’s [...]