Archive for July, 2010

SWF image upload & crop for php using jQuery

Recently I’ve needed a plugin to upload an image using SWF upload and to crop the uploaded image using jQuery and then  save the crop result. I couldn’t find this combination, so I’ve tried to combine these requests: SWF upload, crop with jQuery and php.
I’ve found something about SWF upload here and something about jQuery [...]

Capturing multiple thumbnails from a movie using ffmpeg

When working with video processing scripts, a common requirement is to create thumbnails from a video. Fortunately, with ffmpeg we can make still captures from a a video, and i will show you 2 of the methods in this article.

Bandwidth limit script

Sometimes you want to limit the bandwidth for certain ips or sites, in order to keep your traffic within limits, or to keep constant bandwidth to all users, regardless of how much they are downloading.
Here is a solution to do that:

Youtube uploader – wordpress plugin

I needed a plugin for uploading videos to youtube, directly from wordpress administration area using youtube upload API. Since none of the plugins i searched suited my needs i decided to write my own plugin.