Archive for the ‘Apache’ Category

Securing PHP Applications Part III – Securing PHP on the server / Securing MySQL and Apache

Hi there. This is the last part of this tutorial where I tell you a few things about securing PHP on the server, about securing MySQL and Apache.
OBS: If you don’t administer your own server, this information will be useful to you while shopping for a Web host, so you better continue reading.
Before starting this [...]

Bandwidth limit script

Sometimes you want to limit the bandwidth for certain ips or sites, in order to keep your traffic within limits, or to keep constant bandwidth to all users, regardless of how much they are downloading.
Here is a solution to do that:

How to change your site url structure

Most of us had this problem:
We found a link with an interesting title, click on it and all it showed was a “This page cannot be found message”
So why does this happen?
Well, the link most probably was valid some time ago, but site owners decided to change the site arhitecture. So, what was once [...]

.htaccess stupid tricks

Nice tutorial about various tricks that you can do in .htaccess.