Making ajax content availble to search engines

Nowadays, more and more sites are developed using ajax because of its interactivity, ease of use, and speed.
Although it has obvious advantages there are some drawbacks:

  • Ajax pages don’t register themselves in browser history, so the back button become useless
  • Because the url remains the same through different requests, the bookmarking doesn’t work as expected
  • The same origin policy prevents Ajax to make requests across domains
  • Content retrieved with ajax is not accessible to non-javascript browsers, or web crawlers, making the ajax pages not indexable by search engines.

Today i will talk about how can you overcome the problem of the content not available to search engines and users with javascript disabled:

You need to  generate the same content to the search engine as you do for the regular user, just presented in a different way.

So if you have a link

<a onClick="showAjaxContent('about');return false;" href="about.php">About</a>

where showAjaxContent() is used to load some ajax content in a <div> box, you can just create a page to display the page, as if it was loaded directly from the browser (using headers, footers and all other elements from your page).

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