Posts Tagged ‘Design Patterns’

Design patterns Part IV – MVC

The problem:
When your php application became larger, you might find yourself in the situation where you don’t know where to change the design of a certain page, or you might have to change in multiple places to get the same results.
For example, if you want to implement a comments system in your application, you could [...]

Design Pattern Part III – Observer

The problem:
Well, this is my favorite. Why? Because get you free of a lot of responsabilities. Let me explain: suppose you have an online newspaper website and for publishing an article you must follow these steps:
1. write the article
2. insert the article in the proper table in your database
3. delete the cache (an necessary operation for the article [...]

Design patterns Part I – Singleton

Procedural vs object- oriented
One core difference between object-oriented and procedural code can be found in the way that responsibility is distributed. Procedural code takes the form of a sequential series of commands and method calls. The controlling code tends to take responsibility for handling differing conditions. This top-down control can result in the development of [...]